Interesting people, places, conversations, experiences & insights brought to you by a Life Coach who uses the Ride-Sharing platform part-time to be of service to people in need.
Coaching From the Road
Today, as I build my practice…
I Uber part-time for a few reasons that fit with living my true self:
- I love the daily adventure & connecting with people.
- My conversations lead to content for my life coaching posts.
- I want to be of service to people and help them with their issues along their way…
Enjoy the posts below...
Queen of Katwe
Julia hopped into the back seat, a bit out of breath muttering under her breath “We are so late where are they?” She mentions that
Winter has Arrived; So What’s the Problem?
Before I get to Winter, lets talk Fall! I think it arrived this year, but I can’t make any guarantees. The trees appeared soooo confused.
A Distant Memory…
WOW, a ride out into the country and what do I pass? The exact spot where my first love broke up with me! 1972! A
I Touched Some History Today…
If you have been reading my posts (yes, yes I know I need to put more time into this), then you know that I meet
Thanks for visiting my site and my blog, Driving Insights.
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