A yellow figure among the crowd
A yellow figure among the crowd

When Covid-19 hit, we all had no clue what craziness would follow: locking down, white collar folks working from home, restaurants opened for takeout only, college students sent home, hospitals filled to capacity with sick patients, and waiting up to 45 minutes for an Uber/Lyft pick-up. Now, 9 months later and with no national plan from our leadership, we are seeing the numbers creep up to new levels of concern.

If you are like me, you are probably asking yourselves, “What is going on here?” China, where it all began, has taken total control over this virus due to their ability as a communist country to lock down their entire nation. In a true democracy such as ours, we generally leave it up to our people to figure things out, but the difference here is that we stress independence and without national laws mandating social distancing and mask-wearing, we may never get Covid to retreat.  As a country we need to stop thinking Red & Blue and start thinking of unity & kindness. I am hopeful that in November, after the election madness, we will be able to get back on track as the greatest country on the planet.

In the meantime, we are all stuck in this social void. Dating is tough, socializing is with rules, working from home for many, people moving out of the cities, so what do we miss most?  For me it has to be the Stranger Experience!  I miss small talk and random conversations from people I don’t know. Standing in lines talking with the person next to me, passing people in grocery aisles or on the streets, in the gym or yoga studio, or airports, and smiling at each other, sitting on a bar stool, people in my car being more open.  In all these environments and many more I have always loved the random meeting of people (strangers) and unexpected conversations.  Now with masks on and proper social distancing, I feel like people have closed themselves off. If you couple that with problems they are coping with, such as isolation, sickness concerns & unemployment issues… people are locked down more than just physically.  I just miss the stranger experience, don’t you?

©Driving Insights 2020


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