Jim Stern Coaching


It’s hard to believe it has been 3 years since I have been driving for Uber… but then again, how would anything surprise me in these innovative times? I mean really, here I am sitting at a Starbucks, thumbing out this post on my iPhone! Being of retirement age, but way too spirited to sit on the porch and watch the world go by and too old to find a place back in the corporate world, Uber has become a great fit. After 3 years, 180,000 city miles, over 18,000 rides, 11,000+ 5 stars, 4.9/5 consistent rating, Uber Gold Partner award, and connecting with over 25,000 people…why do I do this?

Ubering, if done right, is really a sport, and gives you the feeling of living in a video arcade game: exhilarating & a bit dangerous at times! More importantly I have found this to be an excellent platform to connect with people on many levels, and it is a way to help others through conversation and random acts of kindness. What amazes me is how people love to open up to a total stranger about anything and everything (my next post will discuss how I make this happen). If you have read any of my past posts you will understand what I am referring to.

I have always been a bit of a rebel, forward thinker, creative type and way too independent. All these attributes fit into my Uber life nicely, and I feel I am living a bohemian lifestyle, a modern day life poet in a very complicated world.  So, what’s next? I am working on ways to monetize this experience through writing and offering other services. It’s always interesting to reflect  and try to understand what led you to where you are right now; was it that first word you spoke (for me it was “car”), or a series of events like a domino game, where one piece moves effortlessly to the next? We all need an Uber-like move in our life… what is yours?


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